Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Talk about "THE SECRET"

Any time your thoughts are flowing, the law of attraction is working.
When you're thinking about the past, the law of attraction's working.
When you're thinking about the present or the future, the law of attraction is working.
It's an on-going process. You don't press pause, you don't press stop.
It is forever in action, Its inspire you to greatness, to embrace the law of attraction so that it works in your favor, for your abundance, for your joy. When you want to change your circumstances,you must first change your thinking.

Everytime you look inside your mail expecting to see a bill, guess what --it'll be there.
Each day you go out dreading the bill! You're never expecting anything great. You're thinking debt, you're expecting debt. So debt must show up so you won't think you're crazy. And every day you confirm your thought: Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there. Is debt going to be there? Yes, debt's there.Why? because you expected debt to be there. because the law of attraction is always being obedient to your thoughts. Do yourself a favor-expect a check!

There is no reason to have lack in your life-any part of your life... When you focus on lack and scarcity and what you don't have, you fuss about it with your family, you discuss it with your friends, you tell your children that you don't have enough-"We don't have enough for that, we can't afford that"-then you'll never be able to afford it, because you begin to attract more of what you don't have.

If you want abundance, if you want prosperity,then focus on abundance. Focus on prosperity. Tell yourself: I've enjoyed so much abundance! The Universe is a masterpiece of abundance.When you open yourself to feel the abundance of the universe, you'll experience the wonder,joy, bliss, and all the great things that the Universe has for you-good health, good wealth, good nature. But when you shut yourself off with negative thoughts, you'll feel the discomfort, you'll feel the aches, you'll feel the pain, and you'll feel as if every day is painful to get through.

Release the pain, and bring in the joy. Turn your life into a magnificent life. You've got to be intentional. And when you've become intentional and on fire you want, the Universe will deliver every single thing that you've been wanting. Recognize the beautiful and wonderful things around you, and bless and praise them. And on the other side, the things that aren't currently working the way you want them to work, don't spend your energy faulting or complaining. Embrace everything that you want so you can get more of it.

Every single thing you've been through, every single moment that you've come through, were all to prepare you for this moment right now. Imagine what you can do from this day forward with what you now know. Now you get that you are the creator of your destiny.
So how much more do you get to do?How much more do you get to be? How many more people do you get to bless, simply by your mere existence? What will you do with the moment? How will you seize the moment? No one else can dance your dance, no one else can sing your song, no one else can write your story. Who you are, what you do, begins rightnow!

I've had a lot of angels in my life, and I am going to be an angel in your life, so that if we really use the law of attraction, this magnificent secret, in our life and the lives of our loved ones.
We are the designer of our destiny. We are the author. We write the story. The pen is in our hand, and the outcome is whatever we choose.

Understanding the law of attraction has been a gift to us.

You can order "The Secret" from me. Contact me : +6016 223 7718.

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