Sunday, December 31, 2006



开始喜欢 Aloha! 这个名字是当认识了Sharon’s 这个朋友。他来自美国夏威夷。对于大自然的智慧, Aloha 可以给你更丰富的解释。

“生活在Aloha 中,即活在爱中”。好喜欢这句话。无论你身在何方,Aloha都紧紧相随。它不只是一声问候,是一种生活方式。它意味着心灵和思想的和谐统一。Aloha 是你创建喜爱的人生和世界的生活基础。


A- Akahai = 亲切 (Tenderness)
L- Lokahi = 和谐 (Harmony)
O- olu’olu = 愉快 (Pleasantness)
H – ha’aha’a = 谦逊 (Modesty)
A- ahonui = 耐心 (Perseverance)

在夏威夷,有一种舞蹈被称为呼拉舞,它是内心的表达。 它帮助我们牢记心脑平衡, 没有语言,不必掌握外语,它帮助我们牢记心灵的非语言沟通。曾经看过Sharon’s 跳呼拉舞,充满真爱和喜悦。。好美。。

明天就是新的一年,给你们所有的快乐与祝福。从2007 年起,世界更美好。ALOHA!
10 Practical ways to reclaim your Happiness and Freedom...

1st - Stop the Rat Race; Find your life
Freedom and Happiness cannot come where a mad race is being run after a seemingly elusive goal. Dare to slow down your life and step out of the rush to do more and more, possess more and more

To find the time-less, dare to step out of the daily grind, and live as though you have all teh time in the world at your command, and can truly decide how to use it.

2nd - Accept responsibility for your life, Experience and Everything in it
Whatever you experience in your life. and the way you feel and react towards it is a direct expression of who you are. At the deepest level, everything occurring in your life-experience is the reults of your own desires, choices, actions and reactions. " Law of Attraction".

Therefore, accept full responsibility, what your life is now and choose what you want it to be. Remember to count your blessings and appreciate it, no matter what life brings.

3rd - Go beyond your known self
Anyone in life can do what everyone else does - which is nothing extraordinary. DO MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU CAN; take the step you think you can't.
Dare to leave security and comfort behind. The limits you have known are the ones you are secure and comfortable with. The ones you still have to explore are the one that make you insecure and uncomfortable. Then start going beyond your known self.

4th - Resign as the judge
The easiest and most unconscious thing to do is to walk around judging every moment, event and person who comes into your life experience.
Remember that even when you judge, you do so from your own level of Awareness, and if you want to raise that, you must turn your attention to yourself, inwards, not outwards towards others.

5th - Release all Resentments and Blame
If you truly accept responsibility for your life, you spontaneously release all blame and resentments. It's important for you to see that holding onto some hurt or hatred over what others may have done in the past, makes you their slave in the "here and now".

6th - Lighten up
The heart feels heavy when every thought and emotion is taken seriously, as a permanent reality. Remember that your true nature is neither thought nor emotion, rather a pure, free and light spirit. Look at every moment of life through its eyes. Stay in present in every single moment.

7th - Appreciation and Gratitude
Choose to be whole.. begin by consciously refusing to compromise yourself. Accept and appreciate whatever happens in your life, always sending gratitude to what you have right now. Thanks to the Universer.

8th - Face your own Fear, courage as your 1st step..
There is really no such thing as external fear. All of it exists only within you, as a result of one or the other reason. if you start to feel fear, don't look outside you for the reason, look inward. It's the inner ground you're standing on that isn't stable.
Any challenge faced by looking in this new direction becomes the foundation of a new strength.

Challenge comes, face it, Courage as your 1st step to move forward.

9th - Stop explaining yourself to seek understanding
The only reason for always ensuring that others are happy with you or for the need to endlessly explain your life to others is that you seek justification of who you are in the other's eyes. At a deeper level, this arises from a feeling of insecurity within yourself.


10th - Do your best, regardless of consequences
To choose, and do. What you feel like to do and do your best..
The only thing we own in ourlife is How we show up....
"If you let yourself shine, you unconsciously allow other to do the same."

Joy of Living....

We are now living the fast life; the only difference is it's not the one we chose, How do we change?

Awareness is the practice of staying awake moment to moment: To be fully present and available to every moment. You have a choice....

Creating this state of awareness is the first step towards becoming stress free and living a life of freedom. The more aware you become, the greater your control over your life grows and vice-versa.

Your Awareness in the moment can transform each challenging life moment and situation into new begining for your. Practicing Awareness leads to authentic inner change, and this is synonymous with being in charge of your own happiness, freedom, peace and destiny.....

Remember that as you increase Awareness, you attact to yourself higher events, opportunities and positive energy.

As the ancient masters and holy scriptures of all cultures remind us :

"There is no such thing as a wasted step when your final destination is self-transformation."

Personally like this : Where attention goes, Energy flows and Results show" - T herv Eke