Sunday, December 31, 2006

Joy of Living....

We are now living the fast life; the only difference is it's not the one we chose, How do we change?

Awareness is the practice of staying awake moment to moment: To be fully present and available to every moment. You have a choice....

Creating this state of awareness is the first step towards becoming stress free and living a life of freedom. The more aware you become, the greater your control over your life grows and vice-versa.

Your Awareness in the moment can transform each challenging life moment and situation into new begining for your. Practicing Awareness leads to authentic inner change, and this is synonymous with being in charge of your own happiness, freedom, peace and destiny.....

Remember that as you increase Awareness, you attact to yourself higher events, opportunities and positive energy.

As the ancient masters and holy scriptures of all cultures remind us :

"There is no such thing as a wasted step when your final destination is self-transformation."

Personally like this : Where attention goes, Energy flows and Results show" - T herv Eke

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