Thursday, January 04, 2007

Journey of having a God Son

Kids! Mh… I like kids so much! then peoples start asking: why not you have your own baby? Good question.. Soon but not now. Haha!

When my “jie mei hua” Angel’s was pregnant, I let her know that want to be her baby god mum.. She straight away agreed. Wah! Thanks to Angel. Because I ‘m a pretty god mum hor. don’t you agreed?

I received a SMS from Maximus (Ace’s papa) on 25/06/05. MR ACE CHUA had born. Although I seldom see Ace’s because he lives in Singapore and throughout many times visit him, I get to know him more, from how to crawl, sit, stand, walk, and start talk non stop (nobody know his language).and keep on growing taller right now.

When Ace’s going to call me gamma? ~ Its will make my day shine. Jumping like hell.

Why Angel and Maximus decided on the name ACE, because they want him to grow up knowing that no matter what happens, he is the best if he only believes it and it sounds dashing and cool.

This is why Ace’s show up right now.. Mh……. Dashing and cool.
Anyway, appreciate Ace mama and papa to allow me to have Ace’s as my god son!

He’s look handsome right?
很喜欢小孩的我。。。从Angel’s 开始怀孕,我就告诉Angel’s姐妹花要做他孩子的干妈。哇!好棒哦!他答应了。

25/6/05收到Ace 的爸爸的短讯。 Ace 出世了!. 虽然没常去看Ace, 不过却看着他长大。从开始 爬,坐,站,走,长牙齿。现在开始学讲话, 什么时候开始叫干妈 呢?哈哈!
