Saturday, January 06, 2007

Have a Wonderful Day!

Dear friends..
You woke up this morning
with a big smile on your face..

The sun is shining just for you

Your day is filled with Love Surprises
and everything Goes your way...

You are enjoy all you do and
you can laugh and talk and
share to your heart content....

Your day is filled with love and gratitude..

May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
Have a Wonderful day!

KeVon Conner (KeVon = KeV + eVon)

Some of my close friend start asking.. "Island of wellness" is a place to share your joyful.. heeee.. and why your dear dear still not appear in your blog?

The reason is we got so many sweet memory.. which one to share 1st? -- finding excuse!

After met each other, our life has change so much, we know more about communication, we know what is authentic love, we love and know how to easily express ourself, we know how to create an empowering conversation, we know how to let each other have their own space, we know how to appreciate the differences between each other...and a lot more. ~ I stolen Kev's Scripts :-)

he is my closed friend, brother, soulmate and husband.. who
- lend me a shoulder when I feel like lying
- as my tissue when I can't stop crying
- always listen when i got something to say
- as a glue when everything fall apart
- as a sun give me strength to shine
- as a light guide me along
- as a pillow when i feel unwell
- as my eye give me clarity
- as a wing when I want to fly

Appreciate his presence in my life.

I really take a long journey to find someone special like him.. haha! In chinese we said 情人眼里出西施。meaning your lover is always the best!

Anyone feel nauseating liao.. paiseh! continued reading ok....

我辛福了!(Xin Fu)

很多好朋友开始问"Island of Wellness" 是一个分享喜悦与快乐的地方。为甚么“他” 没出现在这里呢?哈哈!原因是我们有那么多故事,要从何说起。。。 ~ 找籍口!

从透明式的沟通,无条件的爱,舒服的表达方式,无微的照顾与疼爱。互相提升,尊重,谅解,宽容,一路上的支持与提醒, 还有给彼此足够的空间。 让我学到人生一堂很重要的课。谢谢你在我生命中出现。

好喜欢 曹格和徐若宣合唱 I still believe 这首歌:
"一个人也许自由,俩个人的感动大过天空,喜怒哀乐,共同拥有. 不让遗憾留。"

再写这篇文章时, 我从开始就笑个不停,因为我没办法想象,尽然那么肉麻!如果让你鸡皮疙瘩,真不好意思。 我是出自于真心的嘛。这就是 eVon. Yeah!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Journey of having a God Son

Kids! Mh… I like kids so much! then peoples start asking: why not you have your own baby? Good question.. Soon but not now. Haha!

When my “jie mei hua” Angel’s was pregnant, I let her know that want to be her baby god mum.. She straight away agreed. Wah! Thanks to Angel. Because I ‘m a pretty god mum hor. don’t you agreed?

I received a SMS from Maximus (Ace’s papa) on 25/06/05. MR ACE CHUA had born. Although I seldom see Ace’s because he lives in Singapore and throughout many times visit him, I get to know him more, from how to crawl, sit, stand, walk, and start talk non stop (nobody know his language).and keep on growing taller right now.

When Ace’s going to call me gamma? ~ Its will make my day shine. Jumping like hell.

Why Angel and Maximus decided on the name ACE, because they want him to grow up knowing that no matter what happens, he is the best if he only believes it and it sounds dashing and cool.

This is why Ace’s show up right now.. Mh……. Dashing and cool.
Anyway, appreciate Ace mama and papa to allow me to have Ace’s as my god son!

He’s look handsome right?
很喜欢小孩的我。。。从Angel’s 开始怀孕,我就告诉Angel’s姐妹花要做他孩子的干妈。哇!好棒哦!他答应了。

25/6/05收到Ace 的爸爸的短讯。 Ace 出世了!. 虽然没常去看Ace, 不过却看着他长大。从开始 爬,坐,站,走,长牙齿。现在开始学讲话, 什么时候开始叫干妈 呢?哈哈!


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Secret ~ Law of Attraction

Believe it or not, there is a secret, POWERFUL FORCE operating in our lives...

The Secret is released to the world! This ground-breaking feature length movie presentation reveals The Great Secret of the universe. It has been passed throughout the ages, traveling through centuries... to reach you and humankind.

And YOU really, really want it working for you. You can get for yourself The Secret to everything you've ever wanted.

Imagine owning and then experiencing the secret to unlimited joy, health, money, relationships, love, youth: everything you have ever wanted in life.

The Secret has existed throughout the history of mankind. It has been discovered, coveted, suppressed, hidden, lost and recovered. It has been hunted down, stolen, and bought for vast sums of money. Now for the first time in history, The Secret is being revealed to the world over two breathtaking hours.

A number of exceptional men and women discovered The Secret, and went on to become known as the greatest people who ever lived. Among them: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein and Carnegie, to name but a few.

Fragments of The Secret have been found in the oral traditions, in literature, in religions and philosophies throughout the centuries. For the first time, all the pieces of The Secret come together in an incredible revelation which will be life transforming for all who experience it.
Some of today's greatest teachers will be presented in The Secret and will impart this special wisdom that has been known by so few. They include some of the world's leaders in the fields of business, economics, medicine, psychology, history, theology and science. Each of these teachers is living proof of The Secret; each of them a walking marvel of achievement and success...
Included are;

1) Dr. Denis Waitley, who used various aspects of The Secret in training Olympic athletes and Apollo astronauts to reach new heights of human endeavour.

2) Best selling authors and philosophers including Bob Proctor, John Assaraf, James Ray and Joe Vitale, explain how they have created lives of phenomenal success utilising The Secret.

The Secret reveals amazing real life stories and testimonials of regular people who have changed their lives in profound ways. By applying The Secret they present instances of eradicating disease, acquiring massive wealth, overcoming obstacles and achieving what many would regard as impossible.

The Secret reveals how to apply this powerful knowledge to your life in every area from health to wealth, to success and relationships.

The Secret is everything you have dreamed of... and is beyond your wildest dreams.

DVD format - All Regions - 89 min

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You will watch this movie over and over, with your family, business partners and friends.
Sounds too good to be true?

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Youthfuness Through Movement --- YOGA

Youthfulness Through Movement --- YOGA

I have been practising Yoga.. on and off in Yogazone. Wow! must have more discipline, long time never go already.

To me, Yoga can bring many benefits with respect to health and anti-ageing, particularly with use of the breath (Pranayama) which is practised throughout a class. It is not as a form of recreation or exercise, but rather as a lifestyle.

The physical aspects of Yoga work on many levels, like strengthening muscles and bones throught the many postures. I personally feel its improves my circulation of blood and lymph. This means that nutrition is carried easily to all parts of our body and toxins are eliminated.

From my Yoga teacher, she focus on strengthening the spine as she believe that you are as old or young, the health of your spine is the temple of the central nervous system.

Every yoga class finished with total relaxation. This enables the system to absorb on a cellular level as benefit described above.
Do you wanna to join me.. for yoga club. Really need a buddy to developing a weekly practice.