Sunday, April 18, 2010


I read this book long time ago “The Saint, The Surfer and the CEO” By Robin Sharma, So impress that there is a lot of things that we have been learned in CV, and the way he interpret it in difference way.  And again it reminds me of what I learned from CV.

I got about this 20 key lesson to share with all of you….

Just finishing the Chapter 1 – New Beginning

1) The buying of more books that one can read is nothing less than the soul reaching toward infinity, and this passion is the only thing that raises us above the beasts that perish.

2) Relationship comes to us as assignments. Some last for weeks, Some for a lifetime – but they all come to teach us big lessons that are meant to spur our growth as people.

3) Our Highest responsibility is to do our own interior work. To examine yourself and get to know the real you – your true self – and all you are as a human being is the central aim of life. Genuine success in life is an inside job.

4) The greatest gifts of life are the inner gifts that are only revealed to those with the courage to look beyond the surface of their lives.

5) Final Questions in Life: Did I live wisely? Did I Love well? And Did I serve greatly?

6) We are born to present is a gifts to the world, but they way that set up before we can shine as a person, we have to choose to do some inner work, getting to know yourself, look at our limiting beliefs and recreate them, analyze the false assumptions about what you can be, have and do as a person and then set about correcting them, become aware of our historical patterns of reacting in the different scenarios of your life and re-create them, Tackle your fear and move through , then open up your heart and be more concerned about the happiness of other people and ourselves.

7) Most of us deny our feelings. Society has taught us to do that. From a young age, we divorce ourselves from the way we feel. We’re told not to cry, we’re told not to laugh too loud, and we’re told that it’s wrong to feel sad or even to experience anger. But our feelings are neither right nor wrong – they’re simply our feelings and an essential part of the human experience.

8) If we deny our feeling and we begin to shut down part of ourselves and will lose the connection to whom we truly are. Beginning living completely in our head and we will stop feeling.

9) Our mind is a nonstop chattering machine and we have no inner peace. So we stopped living in the present moment and feeling what it’s like to be fully alive, and become too busy living in the past or future. Mind rarely lives in the present moment.

10) Old Saying goes, “ When the student is ready. The teacher appears.”

11) Many of us are stuck. We don’t believe in the great dreams we had as kids anymore, we don’t believe we have the power to create the lives we want. We don’t think that we can really make a difference by the things we do.”

12) We have phenomenal power within us; we’ve just lost our connection to it. Part of the reason for this is fear. The possibilities available to us in our lives are truly miraculous. The wonders we have the potential to create in our lives. Once we align with the force of nature, are astounding – They really are. But all this potential also brings with it certain responsibilities and this frightens us. So we don’t believe in ourselves. We deny our power and set up blocks the achievement of the extraordinary lives that we’re meant to lead.

13) An enlightenment goal that every person should strive for is INNER LEADERSHIP.

14) Leadership is all about personal responsibility, self-discovery, and creating value in the world by the people we become.

15) Too many spend their lifetime blaming others for all that isn’t working in their lives. Blaming others for the current quality of your life is a sad way to live. In doing so, all you’re doing is playing the victim.

16) The only way to life your life to the next level is to act like a leader and assume real leadership over your life. The moment you look in the mirror and say to yourself, from the deepest place within you, “ For my life to change, I must change” – that’s the moment you’ll grow up and walk through a doorway that will lead you to your best life.”

17) We get our Power back as we assume responsibility for the destiny that has been presented you us. Stop resisting our life and accept what is. Aligned ourselves with those immutable laws of nature, laws that have always governed the way the life works, from the beginning of time.

18) Reflection is the mother of wisdom.

19) ”If I have seen father than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.”- Isaac Newton.

20) Everything appeal in your life is meant to be, that’s just the way the world works,”……… Life truly is beautiful!! 

想你的时刻- 辛福的味道



下過雨的藍天 . 彩虹浮現你的臉 . 那是小時候 . 被你抱著來到海邊 . 海風很鹹 . 幸福很甜 . 寬闊的肩 . 任我撒嬌又賴又黏 . 孤單單的黑夜 . 星星映照你雙眼 那是你走後 . 望著窗外孤枕難眠 . 眼淚很鹹 . 幸福走味 . 回憶無限 . 只能透過字裡行間 . 你離開的那一天 . 匆忙間 . 來不及說再見 . 失去你的這几天 . 沒改變 . 數不完的思念 . 是玩笑還是考驗 . 我們緣分那麼淺 . 好想許一個願 . 讓我再見你一面 . 要一個有你的永遠 .


那是小时侯,美丽的傍晚,骑着你的电单车, 抱着你的腰围,依赖着你的背部,这是我和你的约会,辛福的看电影。
清晨的日出, 我和你在医院里,你拂摸着我的头发,轻声的要我去休息,这是我和你的沟通,辛福的回忆。

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Deep Appreciation for your love & support!!

Dear Family & Friends,
Really Appreciate for your love & Support!!

Your support and thoughtfulness during my difficult time is really meant a lots to me, by how much you care, you are blessed my life & my family.

Your encouraging words have strengthened me, grant me the peace & serenity to accept things that I cannot change, what I can do is have the courage & strength to change the things that i can do and the wisdom to know more about life.

In the journey of life, my dad leave a mark so deep that it become hard to forget him, It is hard to say good bye to peoples that I love the most, but what brought me to no regret is I had shown my gratitude and love when he was still alive. 

Sorrow are like ripples, they come & go...... the memories of good time that we spend together remain forever, no matter how far he go.... he always remain close to my heart because he leave behind is how he show up and the beautiful memories for us to cherish.

Again... it reminds me how to live my life to the FULLEST, I am so grateful know you in my life, as a great friend and sister. THANK YOU for showing up in my life!!

With appreciation & love